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Notice of Privacy Practices


Protecting privacy is important to this agency.  Additionally, we also wish to make every effort to comply with state and federal privacy laws.





  1. We are responsible for keeping your Protected Health Information (PHI) confidential. PHI includes all medical records and health information regardless of the form. Examples of forms include electronic, paper and oral.

  2.  Caroline Center, Inc. has designated an agency Compliance Officer. The officer will make sure CCI complies with the privacy laws. You can see the compliance officer if you have any questions, complaints or paperwork related to the privacy of your PHI.  

  3. All agency employees are trained and must demonstrate knowledge related to the practice of protecting your PHI. 

  4. The agency has developed policies and procedures related to the protection of your PHI. You may request a copy of the policy.  Enforcement of the policy is your right and the agency’s responsibility

  5. You have a right to see your PHI.  Please contact the Compliance Officer if you would like access to your PHI

  6. You will be given a copy of “Notice of Privacy Practices” that explains your rights according to the HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Privacy Rule. You must acknowledge receipt and understanding of this notice as a precursor to employment or receipt of services from this agency.

  7. PHI is available CCI employees who need it to do their jobs. The Privacy Rule does not restrict its use in treatment, payment or routine healthcare operations. You must give us written permission if you want others, outside of the agency to receive your PHI. You can change this written permission.   

  8. The agency maintains business relationships with companies that provide services to us.  We require our business associates to sign an agreement to keep your PHI private per state and federal law

  9. We make every effort to secure your PHI in a manner that would prevent unauthorized access

  10. Any violations of the Privacy Rule, the state privacy laws or this policy must be corrected. All violators will have reports of the violation filed in their personnel files. Repeat violations may result in disciplinary action and/or termination of business contracts

  11. If you see or know of a violation of this practice, policy or the privacy laws, please report it to the Compliance Officer.  By law, you cannot be punished for reporting a violation.


PO Box 460

 12061 School Street

 Ridgely, MD 21660




 fax: 410-634-2653



15222 Dino Drive

Burtonsville, MD 20866




fax: 240-722-6162

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